Destiny Institute is a community for home-schoolers that takes place in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. We use ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) which also known as the SOT curriculum from Australia.
ACE itself is a curriculum with a Christian basic education. This curriculum has been helping many pastors and parents by developing and publishing Bible-based, character building Christian educational since 1970. By integrating character-building principles and Scripture memory into academics, children grow to see life from God's point of view. By focusing on the individual needs of each child, the ACE program helps children master each concept before moving to the next one. Children learn goal-setting habits and how to take responsibility for their own learning. The result-graduates with excellent academic knowledge and the strength of character to do right!
That is all for today. See you again next time with more information about Homeschooling, Children, Biblical Education. Bless you.
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